The explorers from Europe were active in this time by means of exploring and conquering the “new lands”. They slaughtered and put down the inhabitants of the areas they cam

Nelson Mandela was a very dominant character in this historic event. He fought for equality and mutual respect between the races in South Africa. He was arrested many times for his unstoppable involvement and interest in the welfare of all the different varieties people and cultures. He was imprisoned at Robben Island, where he expiated for 27 years. He was elected president in 1994, and was the first to be elected in a fully democratic election. He has been given around 250 prizes for his work against the Apartheid system in the country, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.
Today, South Africa is a republic with eleven official languages. The population is of various origins; about 79.5 % of the inhabitants are of black African ancestry, 2.9 % of the inhabitants have their roots in Asia, and about 9.2 % are originally from Europe. We can thank Nelson Mandela for the improved situation in the country today, and his sacrifice for peace and equality will not be forgotten.
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Informative post about how apartheid came to be in South Africa and how Nelson Mandela and other members of the African National Congress (ANC) managed to abolish it. It was a difficult task to become president there, and nobody could have done it better.