Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la'Tis the season to be jollyFa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
Don we now our gay apparel
Fa-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la.
Troll the ancient Yule-tide carol
Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la.”
(Deck the halls)
We all know this song, at least from the Disney shows they show on TV in Norway during Christmastime. However, some people do not find Christmas jolly at all. Many people around the world have a hard time making ends meet, even more thinking of Yule-presents. For these people, Christmas can be really stressful and nerve wrecking.
But of course, many people have a much harder life altogether. In Africa, HIV and AIDS are common diseases. Deceases strike, also during the holidays, so there is no difference between Christmastime and other parts of the year. People in these continents are poor, and barely educated. The hygienic conditions are bad; making diseases spread fast trough polluted drinking water. These people don’t care about Christmas presents, but how to survive the coming year. In the western parts of the world, we use millions and millions of dollars to buy presents. Still, the question to ask ourselves is this, what if some of this money went to charity?
The Killers, a sensation
Every year si

The Killers is a very acknowledged band, with many fans all over the world. Therefore, I think this act is even more touching, because they could have earned a lot on these singles. Another prospect of it is that these songs are very well planed and thought trough, which make them great hits. Giving the income of such big successes as these is a big-hearted action. One person can not change the world by himself, but together we can make a difference. I believe that actions like this, and using ones talents to change another human's life for the better, is really kind. But, isn't that what Christmas is all about?Doing something as selfless as this? If everyone started to act upon a greater good, I think we can make a difference together. Why not start by listening to the Killers, Boots? Let us hope the Killers will keep this tradition alive, and that we get to hear many great, new songs from them in the future.
Marry Christmas, and a Happy new year to you all!
If you want to see the video made for Bo
ots, use the link below. Every time it is showed, 5$ dollars is donated to the Global Fund to help fight AIDS in Africa.

The complete lyrics for Deck the halls:
Picture of Mickey Mouse & friends:
Picture of the cover for Boots:
Picture of the Killers:
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